What is AVID: Advancement Via Individual Determination?
AVID is an internationally recognized program designed to provide students with the academic and life skills which empower them to take ownership of their learning
AVID is more than just a class; it is a community of learners that extends beyond the walls of the classroom to support students as they work towards achieving their goals and dreams. AVID is an acronym that stands for the following: Advancement Via Individual Determination. It is a class for students that show academic potential and a desire and determination to do well and go above and beyond! This class shows students the academic skills and tools they need to be prepared to succeed in school now, into high school, and beyond! The material covered in AVID prepares all students for college readiness and work beyond high school and success in a global society.
Skills learned in AVID are proven to not only enable college admission, but also facilitate success throughout their post-secondary career. Through the course of the AVID program, students will develop organizational and study skills, and learn to collaborate and problem solve with their peers, all while developing a family atmosphere where they feel accepted and challenged.
AVID is specifically geared towards first generation college students, and AVID post-secondary students are four times more likely to be prepared and complete an undergraduate degree program than their non-AVID peers. Within our current context at Gateway High School, ninety-five percent of our AVID Elective seniors have been accepted to one or more post-secondary institutions. We welcome you to join us in our success with the AVID program at Gateway High School.
The AVID curriculum supports students in the use of WICOR strategies in all classes.
Writing: note taking, reflections, summaries, process writing, essays, etc.
Inquiry: skilled questioning techniques, Costa’s Levels of questioning, tutorials, Socratic Seminars, etc.
Collaboration: Philosophical Chairs, group activities/projects, tutorials, etc.
Organization: binders, use of Action Agendas, time management, etc.
Reading: marking the text, reading strategies, note-taking, etc.
It is not a study hall; it is not a remedial program.
Quotes from former APS AVID students:
“AVID has given me an extra support system and has also given me ways to improve in my study skills and other areas that I wasn’t as strong in at the end of last year. It has also helped me feel more confident. I will never forget the projects and presentations we did in class and how they helped me to become a stronger student.”
“I learned a lot of skills in AVID that helped me learn how to be a successful student that I didn’t learn anywhere else!”
“AVID has helped give me an extra push in my classes. It also helped me with my confidence and helped me learn how to manage my stress.”
“AVID has given me strength to achieve all of my goals. It has also helped me learn the importance of advocating for myself.”