Salynthia Russel

Salynthia Russel

 Email Salynthia


Dean of Students
Co- G and Md-R

I love being able to work with students and staff at Gateway to find solutions to conflicts that arise. I also enjoy talking to our students daily and supporting them in their academic and other social needs.

About Me

Hello My name is Salynthia Russell! I'm originally from Little Rock Arkansas however I consider myself a Colorado native since my family moved to Denver when I was just three years old. I'm the youngest out five and was the first to graduate to from college. I have a seven year old son that loves all sports including hockey. I grew up singing in the choir and I also ran track. Outside of working with students and staff at Gateway I enjoy attending concerts of  my favorite artist and traveling.


  • E.D.S Educational Leadership with Principal License , University Northern Colorado, 2025 

  • Masters in Education, University Northern Colorado, 2014

  • Undergraduate- Bachelors BA Psychology, Northern Colorado 2011